The Middle Years: Calming the Chaos
Have you ever wanted to get off the middle school roller coaster of life, either as a parent or a child? Parenting middle schoolers isn’t for the faint of heart! The middle years are a roller coaster of emotions for both the kids and the parents. Recently a friend asked for parenting advice for these volatile days with her tween. I’ll share advice in a 3 part series, but you can get started today with these nine tips for calming the chaos in the middle years. If you are new here, I describe the stages of childhood as the younger years, the middle years, and the launching years. I also try to keep each blog post as a short read and vary my topics often. This month will be focused on the middle years. Tips for calming the chaos in the middle years: Teach your kids the “why” behind the rules. How does this rule protect them? Allow your kids to discuss/ask for exceptions but teach them to respect your final authority. Point them to one or two acceptable people they can talk to if they feel they cannot talk to you (close family friend, youth leader, mentor, relative, etc.).…
Book Review: Blazing New Homeschool Trails
Are you more of a trailblazer or a trail follower when it comes to raising and educating kids? No matter how you answer this question, this BRAND NEW book, Blazing New Homeschool Trails: Educating and Launching Teens with Developmental Disabilities, could be for you! My friend, Natalie Vecchione, did not set out to be a trailblazer. She set out to be a wife and mama and along the way, realized that the path was no longer clear for her as a mama of a child with FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a brain based disorder). She unexpectedly became a trailblazer and is now leading others down the path though FASD Hope. I had the privilege of tutoring Natalie’s son, so I got to walk a little bit along their path. So many hindrances to their path could have broken their family, instead, it made them stronger. When Natalie said she was co-authoring a book, I couldn’t wait to read it. In fact, I happily volunteered to be on the launch team so I could read it early! I also looked forward to reading the story of Cindy LaJoy and the business, Buckaroos Slices and Scoops, that her kids launched.…
Trust and Obey
Who is it harder to obey – teachers or bosses? Trust and obey. It is a lot harder to obey someone you do not trust. As a teacher, it’s important to establish a culture of trust in your classroom as soon as the year starts. I explained my classroom rules and set high expectations that my students would follow them. I had clear consequences for not following the rules or for disrespect of others. What I didn’t expect was perfection. We all make mistakes and need safe places to learn and grow. My students could trust that I had their best interests in mind and that I would listen to their thoughts and opinions. I often told my students that as long as they obeyed the rules of my classroom, I’d have their backs. As long as they spoke respectfully to whoever was correcting them, I’d listen to their side of the story if there was an issue. We all know that rules vary from classroom to classroom or house to house so sometimes a little conflict resolution is necessary. I wanted my students to trust and obey at school. I wanted them to have a sense of belonging and…
Sensory Strategies for Learning
How can you squeeze a little learning into playtime? As a teacher and tutor, I have had to think creatively and quickly to come up with out-of-the-box sensory strategies for learning to help students learn in a way that makes sense to them. This happens usually when their frustration becomes evident. The student begins to act out or shut down. For some reason, they are unwilling or unable to focus on the learning. That brings out my creative side! I WANT every kid to find joy in learning! And if they are not, I want to know why and what I can do to make it better. Getting creative with sensory learning is a good starting spot. It’s not the only way to teach and learn, but there can be fun activities connected to our senses and our study time. Learning styles are basically just how your child learns best – by hearing, by watching, or by doing. These are not the only way your child learns, so do not discount all the other ways we can learn, but understand that sometimes it helps your child to focus on the content when we present it in a way they enjoy. …
Waiting Games
What waiting game can you easily play while waiting in line? Waiting games are invaluable resources for every parent and teacher! Waiting is part of everyday life. We wait in lines at amusement parks, at appointments, and in traffic jams. We wait for events like ball games, symphonies, and movies to start. My list was curated when I was a 4th grade teacher and we went every year to the North Carolina Symphony. Our students had to dress up, ride the bus, and sit quietly waiting on the performance to start. Kids get restless! And unless you give them resources, restlessness can easily turn into ruckus! I created a list of ideas my students could quietly use with their seatmates. Soon, other teachers wanted to know my secret! Why were my students pleasantly occupied without me having to fuss at them? High expectations and tools they could use. This also became helpful when I took high school students on service trips around the world. They could entertain themselves in airports and vans. They could also entertain younger children waiting for Vacation Bible School to begin or parents to pick them up at the end. Most of the games require little…
Save your NOs
Have you ever wished for a good parenting tip so your child would obey right away when you say “no” or “come”? Most parents and teachers of young children struggle with this daily until you learn to save your nos. One wise parenting tip I learned early on when my children were young was to save your NOs. It is as simple as using “please don’t” and “no” for different things. Use “please don’t” when you want your child to stop poking her sister or yelling at the cat. Save your nos for when you want your child to stop running in the street or touching a hot stove. NO can be reserved for imminent danger or direct defiance. Sure, you will probably use them interchangeably some of the time, but if you will restrict your NOs for when your child must obey immediately, you can teach your child to obey right away when you say “NO!” Delayed obedience is disobedience no matter how you phrase your request, but that’s for another blog post. When you do have to say NO, make it a teachable moment. Take time shortly afterward to talk to your child about what the danger or…
In Order
Do you ever wonder why students jump around project to project without finishing it in order? Teaching students or your children to prioritize and complete projects in order is a doable goal. One easy way is to write a list of things to complete and teach them to complete projects in order. In the elementary classroom during a block of work time, I write down a list of things on the board that need to be done. I teach my students that my lists are always meant to be completed starting at the top. When you complete the first item, you move on to the second item, etc. Sometimes I draw a line dividing the top part of the list from the bottom part. This is usually a visual reminder that the things above the line must be completed and the things below the line are things to do if you get time or if you actually complete all the above. Writing lists help students visualize, prioritize, and complete projects in order. I’m not fond of long lists of things to do, but occasionally this is necessary on a “catch up” day when students are in various stages of completion…
Homework Help
Have you set yourself up for endless hours of sitting with your children and nagging them to get their homework done or having to work through every single problem with them? Homework help involves helping a child set up a structure for the time. Here are a few easy steps and homework tips to get out of the habit of nagging a child through homework. Set up a regular homework time and place. Set out school supplies in easy reach. Set expectations for that time, such as working for 15 minutes then taking a short break or completing all of an assignment before a break. Talk about eliminating distractions during homework time, such as TV watching. Depending on the age of your child, be nearby but not next to them. Or be next to them, but working on your own work. It helps develop their independence. Some children will need more gradual backing off of parental and teacher support, but the earlier you can do this the more independent they will become. I often suggest that parents let children get started on their work and ask for help when they need it rather than a parent unpacking the backpack and…
Free Table Talk Conversation Starter Questions
Are you more like a pencil or a school bus? I love to ask people conversation starter questions like this one! I have asked it around the dinner table, to help a student prepare for an interview, on an airplane, in line at an amusement park, at gatherings, walking down the beach, and many more places to people both young and old. Mostly I just love to get people thinking and talking. I always ask them to give one reason to support their answer. I have heard plenty of interesting answers, the best being from my daughter who said she was sharp like a pencil but you never knew when she might snap! Why ask conversation starter questions If you think this is just a silly idea, let me explain. Conversation starter questions like this cause one to think about a pencil and then to think about a school bus. Probably floods of memories come when they think about their own experience with buses or lack of experience. Then they have to think about themself and what they want to review or hide about themself when they answer. Next, they have to evaluate both options and analyze the object and…
Tailor Joy Together
Ever wondered what the benefits are of having a personal tailor? Tailors Tailors make adjustments on the spot and look for inconsistencies. They understand that selecting the right fabric to suit the environment and occasion gives you a big advantage. Tailors creatively highlight their clients’ personal style. They save you time and money overall. You feel more confident in clothes that fit and flatter. Did you know the Bible talks about God gifting some people to be tailors? Take a look at Exodus 28:3. Tailor Joy Tailoring joy works much the same way. The benefits of tailored joy are smiling more and sighing less. People who tailor their attitudes and actions to cultivate joy in everyday life are reaping the benefits personally and professionally. Navigating the ups and downs is challenging. Choosing to count your blessings no matter what the day brings is one way to tailor joy today. Having joy can significantly impact your emotions, overall confidence, and even the direction of your day. Joy is a gift from God. Joy is our strength! It helps you smile more and sigh less. Sometimes it’s just a little tip or reminder that can significantly impact your day. Such as having…