What waiting game can you easily play while waiting in line?
Waiting games are invaluable resources for every parent and teacher! Waiting is part of everyday life. We wait in lines at amusement parks, at appointments, and in traffic jams. We wait for events like ball games, symphonies, and movies to start. My list was curated when I was a 4th grade teacher and we went every year to the North Carolina Symphony. Our students had to dress up, ride the bus, and sit quietly waiting on the performance to start. Kids get restless! And unless you give them resources, restlessness can easily turn into ruckus!
I created a list of ideas my students could quietly use with their seatmates. Soon, other teachers wanted to know my secret! Why were my students pleasantly occupied without me having to fuss at them? High expectations and tools they could use.
This also became helpful when I took high school students on service trips around the world. They could entertain themselves in airports and vans. They could also entertain younger children waiting for Vacation Bible School to begin or parents to pick them up at the end. Most of the games require little or no materials to play.
Are you ready to see the list? Click here to download a free copy from my website. Print a few copies of this list to keep in the car or your bag. Or save a copy to your phone. Got another game idea? Share it in the comments below.
Read more activity ideas here. https://www.tailorjoy.com/15-answers-to-mom-i-am-bored/
Looking for activities for the younger years, check out my previous post on PreK Play.
Table Talk: What is your favorite game off the list? What new game would you like to try next time you find yourself waiting in line somewhere?
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