World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

What would help you feel more prepared to support a friend who is struggling?

Whether you are a parent, teacher, small business owner, coach, grandparent, world traveler or all of the above, life gets stressful. None of us are immune to mental health challenges, yet so many of us feel unprepared to offer or seek help. October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Here are some helpful tools and tips for encouraging mental health well-being in your sphere of influence.

Have you considered what you can stock in your psychological first aid kit? Calmly listen to those in need. Learn about their struggles. Acknowledge their strengths. Connect them to resources. Sit with them in the silence. You do not need to be a trained counselor to be a friend to someone who is hurting. 

What about your mental health medicine cabinet? What healthy habits do you have in place to nurture your mental health? Learn to take breaks. Talk things out. Acknowledge that hard is not the same as bad. Write a list of resources should you want to seek help. Educate yourself. You take care of your physical  health at the gym, grocery store, and medical appointments, so start paying attention to your psychological health, too. 

October 10 is World Mental Health Day but every day is an ok day to reach out for help or to check on a friend or coworker. I recently listened to a podcast on women and mental health. It was so insightful and encouraging as the guest talked through the hard and the hope. It would be helpful to those who are hurting or those who are caregivers. Below are some resources for you whether you like to listen or read. The more you understand the struggles, the more likely you are to feel prepared to take action to overcome them not just on World Mental Health Day.

Listen and Learn:

Read and Learn:

Truthfilled: The Practice of Preaching to Yourself Through Every Season book by Ruth Chou Simons


May you smile more and sigh less as you seek to tailor joy in your everyday life and your mental health.


Table Talk: What 2 friends or family members do you need to reach out to today? What area of mental health do you need more education on?

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