Free Home Maintenance Checklist

Free Home Maintenance Checklist
home maintenance toolbox

How do you document your home maintenance?

The best way to document home maintenance is to have a 3-ring house binder for all your warranties, product manuals, purchase receipts, and home maintenance checklist. Some people use a box or file system in the same way. To get started, first purchase a large 3-ring binder and some page protectors. Clear page protectors or pocket folders are good for storing and sorting the manuals in your house binder. At the top of the product manual, write the purchase date and/or attach the receipt. For online/digital manuals, you can set up a folder on your computer or a file on your email specifically for these.


Next, create a document for home maintenance where you record when you change the air filters (and what size to buy), replace the batteries in the smoke detector, and check the fire extinguisher. Or you can simply put the date next to the task on the home maintenance checklist. When you sell or move, consider which manuals and documents you will leave for the next resident. Hint: just leave the current ones! If you have replaced the stove, just leave the current manual!


Additionally, set task reminders on your phone or calendar for regular maintenance schedules so you do not forget to do them. This is good for home, car, health, etc. Sometimes I just put a note on the first day of the month on my calendar reminding me to schedule some time that month for a particular home maintenance project. 


Cleaning the inside of your home and keeping your appliances running is just as important as maintaining the outside of your home. Here’s a FREE downloadable PDF home maintenance checklist with suggestions for quarterly tasks. Feel free to add any additional ones for your particular home needs. Whether you rent or own your home, this checklist will be helpful. 


Having a home maintenance checklist and binder will keep your home running smoothly and you can worry less about forgetting to do an important task. Just set aside time each season to maintain your home and check it off the list. Be sure to grab your free home maintenance checklist today! 


Want more ways to keep things orderly at home? Register for my Clean the Chaos workshop; the first month is free!

Want more organizational tips?


Table Talk: What home maintenance chore do you dread the most? Which task on the checklist has been neglected this past year?

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