Hard is not the same thing as bad
What moments of parenting feel overwhelming to you? Book Review: Hard Is Not the Same Thing as Bad If I were to sit down to a coffee chat with new friends, I’d include Abbie Halberstadt on the invite list. While I do not actually know Abbie, her humor, advice, and encouragement would make us easy friends who could laugh and cry together before we even finished my first cup of coffee and her hot chocolate. Reading her book Hard is not the Same Thing as Bad felt like sitting in on a weekly book club with Abbie. #hintstab I have been following Abbie Halberstadt, author of M is for Mama, for a while and looking forward to her latest book Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad. She posts on social media about the miraculous and messy world of motherhood. She and her husband have 10 children (including 2 sets of twins with identical birthdays) and their story can be found on her parenting podcast and blog https://misformama.net/. Abbie’s down-to-earth honesty is refreshing as she shares her parenting experiences through the lens of hard is not the same thing as bad and her hope in Jesus Christ. So many…
15 Answers to Mom I am Bored
What is your quick answer to “Mom I am bored”? “Mom I am bored” is an anthem that will be sung throughout many households over the next few weeks of winter break. Have you already heard it at yours? Just as much as we look forward to a break from school or work, we dread hearing the “I am bored” phrase that is sure to pop up within hours or days. Here are 15 answers to Mom I am bored, whether you are mom, dad, grandma, or babysitter. You can skim the blog post titles and click on the ones that fit your situation. A little boredom never hurts, but reading these ahead of time will help you have an answer for school break boredom when the question comes. If you are new to my blog, here is how I reference the different stages of childhood. Younger years: babies and preschool Middle years: elementary and middle school Launching years: high school and college https://www.tailorjoy.com/10-ideas-for-indoor-fun-on-hot-or-rainy-days/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/digital-escape-rooms/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/chore-charts/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/10-reading-questions-to-ask-your-child/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/home-for-the-holidays/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/four-in-a-row-game-board/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/20-read-aloud-books-for-the-middle-years/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/table-talk-2/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/product-review-youscience-aptitude-discovery/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/10-life-skills-for-the-launching-years/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/the-middle-years-calming-the-chaos/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/smooth-transitions-from-college-to-home/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/math-conversations-with-preschoolers/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/prek-play-makes-learning-fun/ https://www.tailorjoy.com/learn-to-say-yes/ Wonder how other people are spending their breaks? Read this. https://www.edutopia.org/discussion/how-i-spent-my-holiday-break And a bonus– Download this printable list of waiting games…
Yoga Pretzels
What is a quick and easy way to help kids stretch their bodies and increase their patience and confidence? Product Review: Yoga Pretzels Years ago as a young teacher, I purchased a pack of Yoga Pretzels: 50 fun yoga activities for kids and grownups. This card deck has traveled with me to my various classrooms and tutoring sites. It has helped my students and children stretch during those silent 3-minute stretch breaks while testing, gave us fun activities to do during indoor recess, and helped calm the minds of tutoring clients as they transition from school to tutoring sessions. Now my grown-up daughter is borrowing them for her pediatric occupational therapy sessions. Yoga Pretzels are a quick and easy way to help kids stretch their bodies and brains while increasing their patience and confidence. These Yoga Pretzels have definitely been worth whatever I paid for them 15 years ago! A quick search shows they are still available in stores and on Amazon today. The sturdy cards have a picture of the yoga pose on one side and step-by-step instructions beautifully illustrated on the other side. There’s also an instructional booklet enclosed. I briefly talked to my students and clients about…
6 Time Management Tips
What type of calendar or time management system do you use? Time management is much harder for some people than others, yet it is a very useful stress management tool and life skill. Here are 6 time management tips to help you plan and balance your time. Time Management Tips Use a calendar or agenda system to manage your time. Having some type of system other than your head is a very helpful habit. Block time for important things. Use your calendar to block time for more than just appointments. Block time for work, school, appointments, commitments, hobbies, self-care, fun, family, etc. Blocking time will help you easily see where you need to include more balance and where you can fit in the urgent things that arise. I am much less stressed if my week has a starting point. When urgent things pop up, and they do, I can look at my calendar to see where I have an empty block or time or what I can rearrange rather than feeling overwhelmed in choosing between the important and the urgent. Plan, then pivot. Finding balance may mean color-coding your commitments (easy to do on Google Calendar) so that you can…
10 Analogy Types to Improve Thinking
How would you finish this analogy – roots are to trees as _______ is to learning? Analogies provide a good way to practice critical thinking, but knowing the common types of analogies will help you avoid just guessing the answer. Analogies focus on word relationships to explain two things by showing how they are alike. Analogies can help map familiar relationships with new information. There are numerous types of relationships, but the most common 10 analogy types are antonyms, synonyms, part/whole, cause/effect, tool/action, category/example, intensity, characteristics, pairs, and object/user. The benefits of understanding analogies are developing flexible thinking skills, enjoying the powerful nuances of literature, and excelling at job interviews and homework help. Below are 10 common analogy types and examples. Analogy Types and Examples Antonym – hot : cold :: wet : dry Synonym – nice : kind :: mean : bully Part/Whole – leaf : tree :: petal : flower Cause/Effect – stove : burn :: rain : flood Tool/Action – keyboard : type :: phone : call Category/Example – clothes : shirt :: silverware : spoon Intensity – freezing : cool :: boiling : warm Characteristic – fish : water :: bird : air Pairs – …
Shop Small Business
What if you made every Saturday, small business Saturday? What if you shopped small, local, independent businesses every Saturday for a year? An American Express study in 2022 found that “ $0.68 of every dollar spent at a small business in the U.S. stays in the local community and that every dollar spent at small businesses creates an additional $0.48 in local business activity as a result of employees and local businesses purchasing local goods and services.” Small Business Saturday was started in 2010 to encourage shoppers to shop locally on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It has since grown to #shopsmall which encourages people to shop small businesses year-round. Since I’ve become a small business, I greatly value supporting other small businesses, especially local ones. I also love it when a client gives me a teacher appreciation gift or gift card that’s from a local business! It’s a win-win for everyone! As you are shopping this month, shop local and shop small. Of course, I love the convenience of big box stores and the quick delivery of Amazon, but there’s something to be said about knowing a shop owner and giving back to the community. Drop into the comments below…
Finding Purpose in Midlife
Is the empty nest a syndrome? Guest post by Cindy Stumme of Back to You and Me, a blog for finding purpose in midlife. “What am I going to do with myself after all the kids have left the house?” This was the question that popped into my mind when I waved goodbye to my third child and only daughter as she began her freshman year of college. And then I googled “empty nest syndrome.” The internet is loaded with information about almost everything, and the empty nest is no exception. In fact, one of the most common myths floating around cyberspace is that there is some sort of syndrome associated with the empty nest. Did you know empty nest syndrome is not an actual psychological diagnosis? It’s just an expression, and I think that the addition of the word syndrome has created some negative expectations for what can be a really great stage in our lives. Yet, there is no denying that many of us struggle as our children leave the home. My own experiences led me to ask, “If the empty nest is not a syndrome, why is this so hard?” Here’s what I found: Midlife and the…
Product Review: LB Love Organics
How do you choose what type of hand lotion to buy? With so many “avoid these chemicals” messages it’s hard to find a good hand lotion, let alone a swoon-worthy hard lotion bar that smells nice and supports small businesses. So how do you know what organic small businesses you can support? If you are like me, word of mouth is the best advertisement for any business, big or small. When a friend tells me they love a product, it’s helpful, or that they know and trust the owner, I’m interested! Let me tell you about a product I am LOVING right now. Spice Cider Hard Lotion Bar by LB Love Organics. Not only does this company focus on sensitive skin products, but it uses simple and organic ingredients. The tagline is “sensitive skincare, simple ingredients.” Meredith of LB Love Organics grew her company out of her personal research for products for the dry and sensitive skin of her family members and her friends’ love of her creations. She did all the research AND created products so all we have to do is click the purchase button. As a bonus, my order came quickly and with a personal note and…
Get Detailed Steps To Start A Small Business
What is stopping you from starting the business you have been dreaming about? Are you afraid it is too much work to start a business or that you don’t know what to do to get started? I’ve got the solution. Got a friend who would be SO good at teaching lessons or coaching others but hasn’t made that leap yet? I’ve got a business course and a tutoring workshop. Ready to work for yourself but not exactly sure what line of business to choose? Consider private tutoring or coaching. I’ve got the steps to start a small business. Immediate Access to Course and Checklist Starting your own business IS a lot of work, but fortunately, many of those tasks and decisions can be made once and you will soon be on your way to working for yourself. In my course “Business Basics” I walk clients, just like you, through the main steps of setting up a small business including checklists and lots of little questions for you to consider and make notes about. I spent many hours researching and writing detailed notes about all the things I needed to do to start a business, build a website, get customers, and…
Midlife Blog Review: Back to You and Me
What stage of life is midlife? Most define midlife as when the kids are out of the house but you are not yet retired, so typically between ages 40-60. While life will not look exactly the same for us “new grays,” we do share many similarities and challenges in the midlife season including shifting priorities, relationships with adult children, and becoming a couple again. My cousin, Cindy Stumme, has recently started an informative and encouraging blog for those of us in midlife called Back to You and Me. This blog grew out of her experiences with an empty nest and midlife transition that became the focus of her recent master’s thesis. Just as many of you reached out to friends who had kids when you were just starting your parenting adventure, now you can get some advice and encouragement to thrive, not just survive, midlife. Cindy helps readers put purpose and meaning into this transitional season of life through resources, research, and building community. As a bonus, Cindy often adds free downloadable phone wallpaper for extra encouragement. Check out Cindy’s blog, Back to You and Me, for more information and encouragement for “thriving in midlife and the empty nest through…