What does advent look like at your house?
Before we talk about the printable Advent conversation starters, let’s talk a little bit about Advent itself. The word advent means coming or arrival. Advent starts the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Traditionally each week has a different theme: hope, peace, joy, and love. Many people have different traditions regarding Christmas and Advent.
The purpose of Advent is to help us remain focused on the birth of Jesus Christ and our hope in His glorious return one day. For many, it is a joyful preparation for the Christmas season, a season of great hope.
You all know I love to ask questions that get people thinking and talking. I especially love to ask questions around the table! I created Table Talk card sets to be advent conversation starters. Let me introduce my newest card set: Table Talk card set 4 – Especially for Advent. You can use the Table Talk questions at home, on a road trip, on a bus, in the classroom, at a family reunion, in line, on a video call, in carpool, and just about anywhere. Most of these questions do not have a correct answer. I always ask people to give me one reason to support their answer.
This list is especially for Advent, which begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Feel free to modify the questions as needed, especially if you have kids in the younger years. While you can ask questions on the list in any order, this Advent set follows a particular theme each week and is numbered in the bottom left corner.
You can print and cut out the cards. (They are the same as the list.) You can use one a day or spread a few of them around a table to use as conversation starters. See my blog here and here for more thoughts on asking intentional questions. (Just click the tag for “questions” on the blog page sidebar.)
I hope you will have many good conversations around the table this Advent season and beyond using the Avent Table Talk Conversation Cards. Use the Table Talk Advent questions to move your Advent celebration deeper than just calendar door treats. Store the set in your holiday decorations box to use again year after year.
Table Talk card sets make great gifts, just print up a set and add a bag and a bow! Table Talk 1 is free when you subscribe to my blog. Get the rest here at my Etsy shop.
More about Table Talk here https://www.tailorjoy.com/table-talk-2/
Resources for Advent and the Christmas story: Luke 2, Matthew 1 and 2, Isaiah 9:6, Galatians 4:4, John 3:16
Table Talk: What traditions can you add to your Christmas preparations to help fill your heart with hope? What did advent look like at your house growing up?
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