Summer Reading Log Printable

Summer Reading Log Printable
time management for kids

Where will your reading adventures take you?

Grab a summer reading log printable and head into the world of imagination and practical life. Where will you go first? Narnia? Wonderland? The local international restaurant? The treehouse store? Your first summer job? Real-world reading involves fiction, classics, nonfiction, maps, menus, training material, pamphlets, owner manuals, and more. Having a summer reading log printable lets you record your adventures – no matter your age!

reading log printable

Why THIS summer reading log printable?

Lots of great book logs exist all over the internet, however, I couldn’t find one that had less than a hundred books or art that could be used for multiple ages. That led me to create a summer reading log sheet with just over 20 slots for recording book titles and promoting reading fiction and nonfiction. I encourage my readers and tutoring clients to try real-world reading. 

I ask them to record the book title and give it a 5-star rating. Coloring is optional. This reading log can be used in the summer or any vacation break. It can be used for individuals, for homeschool readers, for reading groups, for ESL adults, for moms groups,  for elementary readers or even high schoolers. There are so many ways to use this summer reading log printable. How will you use it?

Need more motivation to read?

Need help starting a summer book club?

Need book recommendations?

In my tutoring business, I have a summer reading contest. I attach a ticket system to the summer reading log printable and draw a few winners at the end of the summer. Students can read as few or as many books as they want, but I love it when they ask me what to do if they fill up their sheets before the contest ends. This year I have also given them a suggested reading list (from best-selling author Thomas Foster) with a much higher ticket count if they pick books off that list. 

Grab your copy of the summer reading log printable here. Don’t worry. It doesn’t say summer on it so you can use it anytime with any audience. If you do use it, tag me in a social media post @tailorjoy . I’d love to see it!

Table Talk: What book is on your summer reading list this year? Will everyone in your household use a summer reading log or just you?

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