Summer Education Ideas

Summer Education Ideas
part time tutoring

What do you look forward to doing in the summer when school is out?

What are some ways to bridge the gap between the school years or the Bible study you attend that doesn’t meet in the summer? 

Private tutoring, summer classes, day trips, book clubs, or Bible studies are great summer education ideas to bridge the summer gap. A quick google search is sure to pop up a few fun things to do in your area this summer. While it’s nice to take a break, it’s also the perfect time for learning because you do not have other expectations and homework on your plate. Gather a few friends at your house, in your car, or virtually. Life’s more fun with a friend! This is true for you OR for your kids. When was the last time you and a friend signed up for a class together?

This is the time to hone those writing skills, brush up on math facts, learn how to make cheese or arrange a cheese plate. Have you ever taken a sketchbook to a museum? Take a car load of kids and sketch books to a museum. Let them pick any piece of art in a room to sketch in their book. We did this when our kids were in preschool and in high school and it was a fun experience for us and for other museum goers who were fascinated by watching our kids sketch.

Airbnb offers experiences you can book in person or online. This is a fun activity to add to a vacation or to give as a gift. Looking for a summer Bible study? Here’s one my friends wrote on the book of Galatians. It’s an 8 week inductive Bible study. Order a couple of books today and study together with friends to boost your summer education.

summer education

For me, I like to structure my tutoring business with summer classes that are fun and educational. For example, one summer we worked on how to solve math word problems through fun activities including some digital escape rooms and real world problem solving such as running a lawn care business. For writing, I taught basic and intermediate level writing starting with writing some solid paragraphs and moving on to a 5 paragraph paper by teaching brainstorming and a formula for writing.

Because most of my clients are out of school, we do not have the stress of homework or projects. We can take time and have fun with learning. If you are interested in summer education, check to see if I have any openings in my schedule for virtual tutoring clients (once a week for 55 minutes). I specialize in grades 3-8. Learn more here about private tutoring. 

Another summer I read the book “How to Read Like a Professor – for Kids” with some of my tutoring clients. It was a great conversation starter as they examined books and movies with new insight and tools to become thoughtful readers. I highly recommend this book for grades 5-9. It can be used in individually or as a book club. This summer education will boost their discussion of literature during the school year.

It doesn’t matter your age, ability, or location. Find something new to learn and boost your summer education.

Want more ideas?

Want to start your own book club? I have all the material you need right here. 

Table Talk: What do you plan to learn this summer? What fun or free activities are in your town this week? Who can you invite along on an adventure this summer?

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