What do you want to be when you grow up?
Many high school students dread the question about future careers if they have no idea what they want to do. Many parents fear the task of helping their child hone in on a career path as well because many feel inadequately prepared for the job or want to avoid the conflict. As a teacher and parent, I have certainly had this conversation with many teens and seen the defeat in their eyes when they say they don’t know.
Today I want to offer you a solution to the frustration and a tool for career counseling. Go from doubting to curious in just a few hours as you see many possible careers that match abilities and interests.
Youscience is an online aptitude and career discovery tool. It helps pinpoint natural abilities and personal interests and suggests in-demand careers that combine those two. I discovered this tool years ago when a client’s mom asked me to watch her teen take the test and discuss the results. The test took about 2 hours but the brain games were fun and the personal interest questions were well written and you could take breaks as needed.
Once I saw the depth of the reports generated and the career descriptions, I immediately wanted to share this tool with my own children and friends. Just this week I shared youscience again with a high school client who didn’t know what she wanted to do next but felt the pressure to discover it soon. This very affordable tool can be the launching pad for career research and college conversations no matter if you are a student or someone considering a job change.
Youscience highlights strengths and weaknesses, provides career recommendations, and offers sorting tools within those recommendations such as educational requirements. While no test or counseling will guarantee job success and satisfaction, youscience certainly goes a long way to opening up the doors to discussion and career matches one may never have considered. I recommend this product as a tool for parents and students who dread the question and conversations about career paths. Still wonder if it’s worth the purchase? Youscience offers a 100% money back guarantee.
According to their website, “We instill hope, purpose, and direction by connecting natural talent, skills, and knowledge with in-demand education pathways and careers. Join us to help find the makers, doers, artists, and thinkers who will help solve the problems of tomorrow.” Who wouldn’t want that?! Check out youscience and give it a try. This may be just the motivation you are looking for to help your child or yourself explore a career path that matches your aptitude and interests. I have used this product for numerous clients and students.
Table Talk: How did you choose your career? What insight could you provide to someone who was interested in your career?
Interested in starting your own tutoring or coaching business?
Learn more about my free Tutor Toolkit Workshop where I teach you how to set up a tutoring session. Or jump right in and learn how to set up your own tutoring business in Tutoring Business Basics.
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