New Gray

New Gray
effective family communication

What does new gray mean?

Recently a friend and I coined the phrase “new gray” during a discussion about the percentage of people in an audience. New gray is my age group, 50’s and 60’s. Old gray is my mom’s age group, 70’s and 80’s and beyond. Obviously, people gray at different ages, but the demographics of new gray and old gray are different. 

My hair is streaked with gray and I do not mind it. So many people seem discouraged about graying. I think it’s just the next stage of life. In a previous post on going gray gracefully, I gave advice this advice: “Live life each day to its fullest, with joy, no matter what the weather or your hair status. While it’s nice to look good on the outside, your beauty and heart attitude shines through from the inside. That’s the sparkle that others see.” Being “new gray” is more than okay!

I have adult kids, a grandchild, and more freedom in my schedule. I am growing old with the husband of my youth and still enjoying new adventures together. New gray will eventually become old gray and that will bring another season to explore and enjoy, but for now, I am new gray!

Want to learn something new?

Table Talk: What is the best thing about the stage of life you are in? Where do you fall: no gray, new gray, or old gray? 

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