Is going gray GRATE or GREAT for you?
While some people find themselves on clear ends of the going gray spectrum, I’m kind of in the cloudy middle. I’m not offended by grays but I’m not rushing to get there. The gray highlights that are now framing my face are natural. This unicorn glitter just seems to sprout up on its own! I’d like to think it’s a badge of honor! I’m going gray gracefully.
For a few years, I found excitement in a bottle. At the drugstore, I could scan the hair dye bottles until I found a coffee name that sounded exciting. I sampled espresso, cappuccino, and hazelnut. I was not really trying to hide my grays as there were just a couple then. I was really just being adventurous on a limited budget. After a few years, I noticed more grays. I asked a hairdresser how long I should keep dying my hair. She said forever! I stopped the next year.
So many friends complain about the grays. It grates on them so much! Gray fills them with shame and regret as it spreads across their heads. Yet younger friends look forward to the grays so much they dye their locks a cloudy shade. How’s a girl supposed to know if gray is GREAT or GRATE? I guess it’s like the glass half full or half empty.
The Bible talks about gray hair as a crown of glory in Proverbs 16:31 and the splendor of old men in Proverbs 20:29. That sounds pretty great!
My advice on going gray? Live life each day to its fullest, with joy, no matter what the weather or your hair status. While it’s nice to look good on the outside, your beauty and heart attitude shines through from the inside. That’s the sparkle that others see. Are you choosing to tailor joy in your everyday life? Are you more obsessed with your hair color than with your heart attitude?
Bonus: Ever consider what attitudes you are passing on to your teens when you launch them? Will they want to gray gracefully?
Table Talk: What do you think about when you think of gray hair? Is gray GREAT or GRATE for you?