Tailor Joy Designs has instant downloads and printable resources for home, school, or tutoring.
Educational Printable Resources
Table Talk sets of printable conversation starters
Four in a Row editable gameboard free
10 Tips for Using Google Calendar and Google Tasks as a student agenda free download
Check out many more free and paid products on my shop page!
Tailor Joy Designs Art
Walls CAN talk. What do your walls say about you? Tailor joy in your space by choosing art wisely.
Click to visit my shop page at Tailor Joy for printable art, cards, gifts, and home décor.
Check my Family Rules and Adjective Art including one called GUTSY.
These products can be downloaded and printed at home for a quick way to tailor joy in any room of the house.
Family Rules makes a great wedding or baby gift. Who am I is good for teens or families. (I printed it and framed it in my kids bathroom… no better advice to see in the mirror when getting ready!) The Map can be used in a kid’s room or as a graduation gift.
Visit my shops for instant downloads and printable resources
All products, courses, and resources available in my online shop:
Some of the same art and reasources are also available in these shops: