Looking for tutoring resources to use with clients?
Need online tutoring resources? Just getting started tutoring? Only have materials at one grade level? Want resources for summer learning or homeschooling? Don’t worry! I’ve got tutoring resources, freebies, and tips for organizing your resources.
Invest in quality materials
Whether you are just setting up your tutoring business or you are looking for more materials, invest in quality materials you can use for multiple clients. Investigate the internet for low-cost or free tutoring resources such as worksheets, printable reference sheets, online review games, and tutorials, but also be willing to invest in your business and your clients. Sometimes paid products can save you time and money and are worth the investment. Look at online market places like Teachers Pay Teachers or Etsy or use search engines like Pinterest. Did you know that TPT shops all list at least 1 free resource?
Invent a reference system
Invent a list of tutoring resources by subject or grade level for quick reference. Old school was a tall file cabinet. Now it’s a slide in your Google slide deck or a basket of supplies for your tutoring desk. However you store them, I suggest keeping a list of resources by topic and/or grade level. Having your resources at arm’s length or in a folder for each client will help minimize wasted time.
See my website for my topical digital list of tutoring resources that I use in my business and share with my clients. https://www.tailorjoy.com/education-services/education-resources/ I also create slides for my online tutoring with quick links to the resources I need to open before a session.
Investigate new resources
Be sure you are checking on copyright laws, terms of use, reliability of resources, and usefulness of the resources you choose. Personally, I like to use resources with answer keys, good visuals, value across grade levels, and a minimalist style.
Gather useful resource ideas
What are the most helpful resources? That depends on what you are tutoring but here are a few examples of academic tutoring resources for the middle grades. For reading, I look at summaries or book notes for the books my clients are reading. https://www.sparknotes.com/ I have a list of question stems that I can use in reading discussions. https://www.tailorjoy.com/10-reading-questions-to-ask-your-child/
I have some one-page reading fluency passages to use for oral reading practice. https://www.henryanker.com/FluencyMasters.html For writing I have a few broad writing prompts and can open up the New York Times writing page from my links page. https://www.tailorjoy.com/daily-writing-practice/
For math, I like to occassionally use timed fluency drills. https://webmathminute.com/ Anchor charts or topical reference sheets are nice to have on hand to share with a client. Most all students can use practice on word problems at their grade level and for fun you can use a dice to choose which problems to answer or change all the characters in story problems to penguins or whatever the client is most interested in. https://math-drills.com/mathwordproblems.php
If you are unsure of the gaps a client has, consider working through end-of-grade materials such as practice tests, to uncover the areas for remediation or go up a grade level for enrichment topics. https://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/library/practice-tests
I also like to have some games on hand for brain breaks. https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/blog/brain-teasers-for-kids/
While some tutors look for a curriculum to follow, I prefer an individualized approach with ongoing assessments and adaptable instruction. During summer tutoring or intensive remediation, I do like to use units of study, real-world projects, or intervention programs, but otherwise, I pull from my collection of resources to plan my tutoring sessions or fill in gaps.
Want more tips and tools for tutors?
Read these posts and take my free workshop which will help you know what do to with all the tutoring resources you have collected!
Free resources on my website
Tutor Toolkit Workshop (with free session plan templates)
Visit my product page for items below https://www.tailorjoy.com/courses-archive/
Free list of Waiting Games
Free printable agenda and calendar pages
Free Four in a Row gameboard
Free Table Talk Conversation Cards set 1
More free resources on my Teachers Pay Teacher’s store
Tutoring resources found in my Business Basics course
Bsides 12 lessons on setting up a tutoring business, you will get the following:
Simple Business Plan Template,Simple Pitch Template, Client Forms (customizable), Simple Business Health Check Up template, step-by-step checklist for starting a business, planning workbook, marketing challenge, customizable session plan templates, behind-the-scenes tips from my own tutoring business, branding and website tips, bookkeeping and billing tips, scheduling advice, internal and external business set up tips, and so much more. Everything you’ll need to set up your own business!
Table Talk
What resources have you found helpful for tutoring? What tutoring resources are you still looking for? (post in comments below)