What was your roadmap for your teenage years?
I bet every parent wishes there was a roadmap to give their teens in the launching years. God’s Word is a map for us. As a graduation gift for my oldest daughter and her friends, I made the MAP art piece and printed them on magnets as a visual reminder that God did not leave us without an instruction book for life. The verse on the art is Psalm 119:9-10. This is an excellent roadmap for teens in the launching years.
How can a young person live a clean life?
By carefully reading the map of your Word.
I’m single-minded in pursuit of you;
don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.
Psalm 119:9-10 The Message
Recently I gave a tribute and read some of Psalm 119 at my father-in-law’s funeral. Before I married into the family, I had dad for a couple of my education and geography classes at Liberty University. Dad taught through Psalm 119 one year in the daily devotions he did at the beginning of his classes. With 176 verses, there was plenty to talk about! As his student I appreciated the consistency of this. He was modeling teaching the Scriptures and teaching an academic subject. He was giving his students a roadmap for life and for becoming classroom teachers.
Dad’s great esteem and affection for God’s Word has been evident throughout his adult life, he was constantly studying God’s Word and making teaching notes and resources for his students whether that was in the university, at a training conference across the ocean, or in the churches he attended. In Psalm 119 we see the author’s great esteem and affection for God’s word, and its power to encourage and convict.
I want to challenge all of you to read all of Psalm 119 this week. Then ask yourself if these words could be said of you. Do you have great esteem and affection for God’s Word? Let Psalm 119 encourage and convict you. Let it be a roadmap for your life.
Want to own a copy of the MAP art? Click here to view and purchase a digital download today. Hang it in the nursery or give it as a graduation gift. This is a roadmap for life, no matter your age.
Want more tips for the launching years? https://www.tailorjoy.com/tag/launching-years/
Table Talk: How do you show your esteem and affection for God’s Word? How does your knowledge of God’s Word impact how you teach your children?