10 ideas for indoor fun on hot or rainy days

10 ideas for indoor fun on hot or rainy days

Do you approach rainy days with dread or joy?

Your mood will match the weather if you dread being inside (with or without kids) on rainy or hot days. Instead, think about it as a mini staycation! Catch up on projects, play forgotten games, stay in your pjs and read books, invite friends over for a dance party, or take an online class. There are so many ways to have indoor fun on hot or rainy days! Here are 10 suggestions to get you started having fun indoors. 

  1. Clean out your game shelf and play a few forgotten games. 
  2. Make up your own cooking show in your kitchen.
  3. Watch a documentary on a country you wish to visit or a topic of interest
  4. Invite friends over for a potluck meal with a specific country theme and stream some traditional music or cultural videos.
  5. Sign up to take an online class such as one of these from airbnb experiences including cooking classes, arts and crafts, virtual safaris and magic shows.https://www.airbnb.com/s/experiences/online
  6. Put on some quiet music, find a comfy spot and catch up on a book you’ve been meaning to read
  7. Do some yoga or put on a workout video for the whole family
  8. Create a family scavenger hunt or obstacle course in your house
  9. Invite friends over for a dance party or movie marathon
  10. Tackle some things on your “to do” 

Want more ideas? Read this post. https://www.tailorjoy.com/digital-escape-rooms/

Next time you find yourself stuck inside on a hot or rainy day, use the opportunity to have some indoor fun! May you smile more and sigh less! Post in the comments what idea you plan use do next time it rains. 

Table Talk: Do you prefer being indoors or outdoors? What other idea would you add to the list of indoor fun?

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