Postpartum Help
What’s the best thing you can do to help a new mom? Some of the best advice I got on grandparenting was how to offer postpartum help during what is also known as the 4th trimester. It’s a tricky time for everyone and so much of a learning curve for the young family, especially with the first baby. My friend said to have my daughter give me a list of a few daily goals, such as taking a shower or reading her Bible, and that I should do everything necessary to help her accomplish those goals the first few weeks so her routines would be set in place when I went home. She suggested I do the cooking and cleaning and let the young parents care for the baby. I was honored that my daughter and son-in-law wanted me to come stay for a week or so once the baby came. We all were conscientious of wanting to have it be a good and successful time so we went out of our ways to be considerate of each other. They stocked up on our favorite snacks, and we purchased a few items needed around their house like a new hook…