What are your roadblocks to earning some extra income as a tutor?
What is standing between you and some extra cash? Time? Tools? Training? Need a few extra tools in your kit to feel confident tutoring clients? We each have unique talents and areas of expertise that others need help with. Everyone can tutor something!
Now is the perfect time to get set up to start tutoring this fall. My free workshop Tutor Toolkit will push aside the roadblocks and get you going! This short helpful workshop will give you the tools needed to design and individualize tutoring sessions no matter what you teach.
What’s in the FREE workshop Tutor Toolkit?
In this workshop, I lay out the plan to setting up an hour long session, whether you are teaching, tutoring, or coaching. You get a behind-the-scenes look at my own tutoring sessions and learn from my years in and out of the classroom.
You get customizable templates for sessions and the confidence you need to tutor or coach clients, whether you have teaching experience or not. You get tips and tools for remediation, extending lessons, and building rapport, plus games and brain break suggestions. No waiting for the workshop to start, either. You get instant access to this course when you enroll and can complete it as your own pace.
No matter what subject you plan to tutor, each resource is customizable to your business and applicable to tutoring, lessons, or coaching businesses. Enroll in this free workshop today! It’s perfect for anyone who wants to tutor, teach lessons, or coach clients.
With the Tutor Toolkit Workshop you will be ready and confident to tutor, teach a lesson, or coach a client. You will finish with a toolkit stocked with session planning sheets, ways to remediate or extend a topic, tools to build rapport with clients, some brain break ideas, and the confidence you need to tutor or coach clients. I will show you exactly how I run my tutoring sessions, from start to finish!
Calling all adults and teens! Ready to start earning extra income? Click here and enroll in the free workshop, Tutor Toolkit. Better yet, get a friend to enroll with you! Share this post today!
Want to see all my courses? Go here. Want some tips for school year expectations and homework? Go here.
Table Talk: What is your area of expertise? What has been your experience with having someone tutor or coach you?
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