Will you be waking up in new Christmas pajamas this year?
Somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, the soft package would be delivered in person or through the mail. One look at the return address or the tag, and my girls knew right away what it was. They could hardly wait to open their new Christmas pajamas from our dear friend.
I’m not really sure who got more joy out of the gift – my girls or my friend! This sweet tradition continued for years. It really did not matter if they were Christmas patterns or not. My girls got a new pair of pajamas to wear, especially on Christmas eve. It was the gift that kept on giving all winter long.
Many families have Christmas pajama traditions, including all the family members. Some wear them to drive around and look at Christmas lights, to sleep under the Christmas tree or for a special movie and hot cocoa night. The Holderness Family even went viral with their first of many Christmas Jammies videos. We did not go this far but certainly the thoughts of Christmas pajamas, hot coffee, and grandma’s special coffee cake brings up many sweet memories. As my girls got older we occasionally bought sets of matching flannel pj pants. Now that I am a grandma, I think I will pick up this tradition with my own grandchildren. I already sent a package home with Ivy when she visited at Thanksgiving. She is too little to know what the soft package means, but I know her mama will smile with joy at the continued tradition.
A few days before Christmas and you are still struggling to finish up the shopping? Next year, start in September! Read here for tips.
Merry Christmas to all of you from Jennifer and Tailor Joy LLC. May you know peace, love, and joy as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our savior. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
Table Talk: What Christmas traditions from your childhood do you want to carry on with your own family? What would be your idea of the best Christmas pajamas?
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